Monday, January 9, 2017

The Phobia Project

1. A phobia is an irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the individual has a relentless dread of a situation, living creature, place, or thing.

2. Placophobia - The fear of tombstones.
    Hylophobia - The fear of forests.
    Ithyphallophobia - The fear of seeing.
    Euphobia - The fear of hearing good news.
    Potamophobia - The fear of rivers or running water.

     For my first photo, I'd like to demonstrate Plutophobia. I'm planning on showing my sister's face, almost completely buried in money, with her eyes peeking out. I'll take this on the floor of my living room, with a hardwood background. I'll shoot this photo right before sunset, so I get a nice warm lighting on it, but not too bright.
     For my second image, I'll portray Pharmocophobia, the fear of taking medicine. I plan on showing my friend Lilly, seemingly passed out on her bed after accidentally taking too much medication. If this is too explicit, then I'll show her choking on an Advil or something. I plan to take this photo in the morning, while the natural lighting is bright, but before the sun reaches its high point in the sky.
     For my last photo, I will display Dementophobia, the fear of insanity. This is my favorite idea: I'm going to show my friend Alex wearing a straitjacket with his hands tied behind his back. He'll be wearing a hood, with a hole for his mouth, and he'll be screaming. I'll take this one in a dark room while using the flash: to add a sense of intensity to my photograph.

1. I'll take the photo of my sister extremely close-up from above, showing nothing but the dollar bills and her eyes.
2. I'll photograph Lilly while focusing on her nondescript face and the bottle of pills, while trying to blur out the background to a certain degree.
3. I'll take the photo of Alex, trying to focus on him and him only, with a black background. I think this will give my image an eerie tone.

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