Monday, May 8, 2017

Sports Portfolio Evaluation

Video 1:
a) Travis Haughton
b) General focus: Everyday life
c) Judges wanted to see more of the frame; Too many faces were omitted; A couple pictures were too busy to the eye.
d) Judges liked the sports photos; they liked some of the photos of children.
e) I think the photographer is good but doesn't have interesting ideas. He was photographing things like a man crossing the street or a girl smiling: these are boring. I didn't really like the portfolio.

Video 2:
a) Nick Adams
b)General Focus: Journalistic stories
c)Photographer framed photos poorly (cut off heads and details); A lot of his photos contained too many possible subjects; several of the images were poorly focused or compositioned
d)The judges liked the photographer's originality and ideas, but not his execution. They liked the effort he put into his photos, even if they came out badly.
e)I think Nick Adams was a bad photographer. He was photographing typical things in a poor way. I didn't really like the portfolio.

Video 3:
a) Josh Birnbaum
b) General focus: Sports and portraits
c) Judges didn't like the composition of his photos; the portfolio was paced badly (went from really great photos to really horrible photos); His photos had no story to them.
d) They liked his action shots; they liked the content of his photos but, again, not the execution.
e) I think Josh could've had an amazing portfolio if he put more thought into the subjects of his images and the composition. This is my favorite portfolio so far.

Video 4:
a) Anthony Souffle
b) General Focus: Stories
c) Judges didn't like the genericality of his photos; he didn't have too much originality; they didn't like the content of a lot of his pictures.
d) They liked how his photos were executed, they looked extremely professional; They liked the humor in a few of his photos, which is hard to pull off.
e) I think Anthony has been the best photographer I've seen so far. As for the content, it could use some work. Definitely my favorite portfolio.

Winning Portfolio Critique:
a) The judges liked Dustin's composition in his photos. His pictures had a story behind them and also his subjects were all active in his images.
b) I really liked the range of emotion in his photos: they go from sad to joyous to plain weird. Also he has really original ideas, such as the water photo or the first photo with the guy's teeth. He displays a good use of lots of the elements of photography.

Contest Recap:
The judges went through and remembered the portfolios they liked the most. Then they analyzed what the liked and didn't like about the portfolios. Eventually, they settled on the one with the most diversity and who had the least poor photographs.

Individual Images:
I agree with the judges about the boxing photo in the first video. Even though the referee draws attention away from the actual boxer, I like the element that he adds to the photo. He seems as if he''s mimicing the boxer and also his face is really interesting. I liked this photo from the moment I saw it.

I disagree with the judges about the photograph with the baseball player with a rainbow above his head in the third video. I think it should've won first place because it's composed wonderfully and it is full of emotion. The sky is dark and gloomy, yet the rainbow shows through to add an element of hope and happines to the image. I definitely think it exceded the photo of the sumo wrestler.

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